Bitumen Laminate Surface

FF-PIR BI insulation panels were designed for insulating low pitch roofs, as the entire surface of the panel is suitable for welding or strip welding roofing sheets. The panels are suited for use in both renovation and new construction. The panels are coated with a diffusion-proof plastic laminate on both sides, which does not contain metal. The panel was designed specifically for use of roofs with bitumen sheeting, but it can also be used in other types of construction. The fire class of the insulating foam component of FF-PIR insulation is D-s2, d0.
FF-PIR BI insulation panels are produced in widths ranging from 50 to 100 mm at 10 mm intervals. The panels measure 590 x 2 400 mm. The FF-PIR BII panel features flat edges, while the FF-PIR BIL panel has a rabbet edge.

Declared thermal conductivity (λDeclared) of the panels:
< 80mm: 0.027 W/mK
81–119 mm: 0.026 W/mK
≥ 120 mm: 0.025 W/mK
FF-PIR Insulation / Roofing Structure Combinations Certified for Fire Class BROOF (T2)

Bitumen Laminate Surface


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